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Driving shafts
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Driving shafts
The original driving shafts were provided with two single kruiskoppelingen.
When driving through the corner you have to pushin the cluth to avoid damage to the driving shafts and to drive smooter, without interruption and shocking.

However, in France was in the past the possibility to get a shaft with two crosscoppling-units each (see picture).
This shaft gives more comfort specialy during turns, it is not nescessary to use the clutch for a smoother driver in the turns.
These original shafts I have bought at Jack Moenen.

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Meanwhile, these shaft are placed between the gearbox and the frontwheel-hub.

Before coppling both shafts to the gearbox, they were greaced with Lithium Grease EP-23 which has a better resistance against water and dirtynes then the common used greace.
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When both parts of the shaft are fit with greace it is clever to dismantled the greacenipple so by replacing both shaftparts together superfluous greace easisly can leave the upperpart of the shaft without making a mess at the place were those shaftparts comming together.

Before replacing both shaftparts first fit the rubber cuff. After the complete shaft is replaced it is impossible to place this rubber cuff.
When the complet shaft is replaced, greacenipples can be placed back.

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