Zinc treatment

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Galvamé surface technics
More than 50 years of experiënce at surfacetreatment technics of all kinds of metal.

Shorttime delivery.

Beside you have an impression about the parts which are cleaned (oil and paint are removed).
In a later stage, when delivering this at Galvamé, people there said this cleaning was unnecessary. Galvamé allways begins with a cleaningproces depending on kind of material, as is showed on there website.

Explanation about all different treatments is showed on the website of Galvamé, hopefully the will made soon an english version.

small amount of parts which where cleaned by myself - 33Kb

ventilationvalve + grate completely zinctreated, no more rust! - 38Kb
Zinctreated ventilationvalve and -grate, next years no rust anymore!

All recycled part and tools they were treated at de company Galvamé zinctreated and yellow passivated.

All recylcled part are looking brand new!

For a better view, please click on the picture to increase.

zinctreated parts - 18Kb zinctreated parts - 15Kb zinctreated parts - 24Kb
zinctreated parts - 17Kb zinctreated parts - 22Kb zinctreated parts - 18Kb
zinctreated parts - 20Kb zinctreated parts - 23Kb zinctreated parts - 24Kb
zinctreated parts - 17Kb zinctreated parts - 18Kb zinctreated parts - 25Kb
zinctreated parts - 25Kb

Original 2CV tool
The original tools, in the past delivered whith this car.
original tyre-remover and sparkplugtool - 13Kb


Willingestraat 41,
NL-3087 AN Rotterdam
The Netherlands

Postbus 59108,
NL-3087 AN Rotterdam
The Netherlands

Tel: (0)10-2.999.505

Fax: (0)10-2.990.514

Email: info@galvame.nl
